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Polices and Procedures
Arrival to Your Massage
Please arrive for your appointment at least 5 minutes prior to the scheduled starting time.
Cancellation Policy
Please provide at least 24 hours notice if you need to reschedule or cancel a treatment. This is out of respect to the therapist who has planned their schedule around your appointments. It is also out of respect for fellow clients who are looking to schedule appointments and the schedule was full.
Late Arrival Policy
I regret that late arrivals may not receive extension of scheduled appointments. In special cases, and when my schedule will allow, I may be able to accommodate a partial or full appointment. This will be at my discretion and only with proper, advanced notification of your late arrival.
Respect for Client Needs and Boundaries
I am happy to adjust pressure, temperature, musical volume, or work longer on an area or move on if you request it.
The client may choose to: leave on as much clothing as needed for comfort, refuse any massage methods or stop massage at any time.
The client will always be modestly draped. Only the area being massaged will be undraped. Sexual interaction or discussion of any kind between the client and the massage therapist is NEVER appropriate. The session will be terminated immediately and the client will be responsible for full payment.
Confidentiality and Conversation
I treat all client visits and conditions as confidential. As such, I will not discuss your visit with anybody without your express permission. You may choose to talk or not talk during the massage. Conversation will be guided by the client.
Existing and New Medical Conditions
It is the responsibility of the client to keep me informed of any medical treatment currently being taken, and to provide written permission from the physician, chiropractor, physical therapist, etc., that the massage may be continued. The client must also keep the massage therapist informed of any changes in health conditions. For clients undergoing chemo and radiation therapies – Please note that we require a doctor’s note that states the doctor is aware of, and agrees to, the desired treatment.

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